Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss 5 Tamil | Day 14 | Elimination day | Daily Updates

Day 14 of the Bigg Boss Tamil begins with Priyanka, Niroop and Abhishek talking about Isaivani.

The latter had complained about how they were not talking to her. Priyanka says that Pavni had told her that all the three (Priyanka, Niroop and Abhishek) talks individually well with everyone. She understands that Priyanka’s humour is different from her own, thus, Priyanka hangs out more with people of her comfort zone.

She adds that Priyanka and Isaivani even talked well previous night where Priyanka had offered her lipstick. On the other hand, Isai had told that she is happy when she is with Priyanka.

Abhishek adds that everyone is welcome and everyone will be happy in this group but they have to make an effort to talk to them.

Mr Kamal begins his speech with thanking all fans for making Bigg Boss 5 Tamil, the biggest hit of all the seasons. He then appreciates the contestants for the same.

He asks if everyone had seen Bigg Boss earlier seasons. Imman Annachi, Chinnaponnu, Thamarai Selvi, Varun and Priyanka says that they had rarely watched it. Ciby says that he had watched the first season alone. Abhishek says that he had never watched it because of Mr Kamal. He adds that he loves him in films and was afraid that the show would ruin the fan boy in him. Mr Kamal says that this is also a big stage for him.

He then asks Iyakki Berry about people’s strategy inside the house. She says that when she came into the house, everyone was normal but as days went by, she began to doubt a few contestants and one of them is Abhishek. She also adds Nadia and Niroop to the list. Talking about Priyanka, she says that she doesn’t seem like having any strategy but sometimes, her friendly talks might cause some trouble inside the house.

Abhishek winks at Raju and Mr Kamal catches that. He says that Raju has the most attractive eyes here. Also, talking about Iyakki’s comments, he says that since he had never seen the show before, he has no idea about strategy but he will take good care of what he is doing from now on.

Mr Kamal asks Imman next. Imman had used the word politics and since Mr Kamal is interested in politics, he wants to know what was that.

Imman says that he, at times, feels like he had came to some other place other than Bigg Boss and none of them are like how they were initially. After weeks, he could see many fights here and he wishes to see all contestants together once again. Mr Kamal asks if there are any groups among contestants, he says that he wouldn’t say that but he is afraid of the same as well.

He then asks Pavni regarding the same. She says that she is in good terms with everyone individually but everyone had found a few people of their comfort zone and they spend most of the time together.

She points out Niroop, Abhishek and Priyanka, then adds Abhinay. She says that Imman Annachi and Madhumitha would be in that as well.

Madhumitha says that one has to make effort to mingle with other people and adds that a few contestants couldn’t understand her thamizh, therefore, she had to distance herself from them. Thamarai Selvi says that she couldn’t understand a single word what Madhumitha talk.

Mr Kamal says that he is glad to see so many type of thamizh language inside the house. Anyway, there are a few people who aren’t going to understand even proper thamizh because of the “politics”.

He then talk about the contestants’ stories. Abhinay and Varun comes from a bigger background and is always difficult to grow out of the shadow. Mr Kamal asks the contestants to make use of this platform as inside Bigg Boss Tamil house, it is every man for himself and every other contestant doesn’t care about the background.

Talking about Nadia, he says that while she is growing inside the house, she also made her husband a hero.

After the break, he talks about Abhishek’s story. He appreciates Abhishek’s hardwork to come up in life at this young age. He was able to bounce back from zero to where he is now.

He then asks contestants to talk about other contestants’ story and their learning from that- A story that had impacted them the most and a story they couldn’t connect at all.

Priyanka- She picks Nadia’s story, says that it had touched her heart. There is a man behind woman’s success and Chang is the one here. She adds that Akshara’s story is different from hers and she wasn’t able to relate to it.

Varun- He picks Abhishek’s story. He had started from the scratch and was able to do it within two years. He says that every story had impacted him someway. Mr Kamal asks to pick the lesser impacted one, he picks Ciby’s.

Abhishek- He picks Pavni’s. He says that it’s like travelling in a train that had stopped in the middle before reaching the destination. He was able to connect to it because he wants to be her. He wasn’t impacted by Madhumitha’s story as the latter’s story is almost similar to his. His father had bipolar and since he had lived with him, he could pick anything from her story.

Niroop- Though he couldn’t connect with Namitha’s story that was the one which had affected him the most. He couldn’t relate with Priyanka’s story.

Ciby- He was touched by Namitha’s story. He says that he had thought that his life is full problem but when he heard what Namitha had to go through, he was touched by it. He couldn’t connect with Nadia’s story.

Abhinay- He connected with Abhishek’s story and even hugged, cried after he had told that. Since Ciby is just starting his life, his story is lesser inspiring at the moment.

Imman Annachi- He liked how everyone came through their struggles but his favorite is Raju’s. It is because of his narration. Though there were struggles in his life, he had managed to say it in a funny, heartwarming way. He had difference of opinion about Nadia’s story and he wants to ask her personally regarding a few questions from her story.

Raju- He loved Imman Annachi’s story because of the way he narrated it. Varun’s story was more like a speech and he wasn’t able to relate to it.

Iyakki- She had related with Abhishek’s story because of the father’s relationship. She couldn’t connect with Ciby’s.

Pavni- She connected with Isai’s story. She was able to understand what Isai had to go through during her younger age. Varun’s story was a bit here and there; she wasn’t able to connect the dots to understand the story.

Thamarai Selvi- Namitha’s story melted her heart. She couldn’t understand Iyakki Berry, Madhumitha and few other contestants’ story. She couldn’t understand the language.

Nadia- Namitha’s story has impacted her as one of her sibling is like her. She couldn’t connect with Ciby’s

Madhumitha- Akshara’s story reminded of her life’s heroes. She couldn’t understand Thamarai’s story because of the language.

Chinnaponnu- Namitha’s story was heartbreaking. She couldn’t connect with Niroop story.

Akshara- Ciby and Madhumitha. This is because of the family support system they had. She couldn’t relate to Suruthi and Isai’s story as it is unimaginable for her. She hasn’t gone through any of it and thus, she couldn’t even imagine that.

Isaivani- Thamarai Selvi’s story because she is inside the house in order to make her son talk to her.  Win or lose is secondary to her. She couldn’t connect with Varun’s story.

Suruthi- She was able to connect with Priyanka, Abhishek and Isaivani story. She couldn’t connect with Varun, Ciby, Akshara Abhinay and Madhumitha. She had some take away from their story but couldn’t connect to theirs.

After a break, Mr Kamal asks about the Worst and best contestant list to Abhishek, Pavni and Akshara.

Abhishek reveals Nadia and Chinnaponnu as those who didn’t shine among the contestants. He picks Imman Annachi as the best contestant. Chinnaponnu is seen crying.

Mr Kamal asks Chinnaponnu about her views for the vote. She says that her views are as same as Isaivani who had earlier talked about how contestants used to stop talking when she goes and sit there.

Chinnaponnu says that she feels bad and she used to sit alone most of the times. Even during last night, she had gone out for restroom and saw a few contestants talking but when she walked out of her room, they had stopped talking. Mr Kamal says that it might be due to the age difference and the respect they has over Chinnaponnu.

Priyanka says that, the main reason is the topic they were talking and adds that yesterday, she told Abhinay to move as he was sitting in the way of Chinnaponnu. Other than that, they weren’t talking anything seriously.

Chinnaponnu also adds that she felt bad whenever Imman Annachi had stopped talking once she had entered the room.

Mr Kamal asks about the incident that had happened during the drama. She says that she had asked for some respect by giving her an introduction because of her experience in the art. She asked that as she thought she has all the rights with the contestants.

Nadia says that she had expected it. She believes that she didn’t go invisible as contestants were able to notice her absence among all other contestants.

Mr Kamal then moves on for nomination. Varun is the first one to move to safe. Kamal says that Chinnaponnu is still visible in eyes of audience and that is important as she is safe. Chinnaponnu cries immediately and Akshara consoles her.

She says that she will never go invisible in front of audience and contestants from here on.

Madhumitha is saved next as Mr Kamal asks us all to wait for the final result.

We see Abhishek revealing that worst-best contestant result to Raju. He says that Raju was the second and Priyanka was the third in the entertainer’s/ best contestant list.

Abhishek explains that Raju should’ve jumped in during the fight the other night with Chinnaponnu. Since it was his direction, he should’ve saved his team. Abhishek says that he had seen him back off every single time there is some fight inside the house.

He adds that if he continues to be like this, people would take advantage of him. Imman Annachi thanks Abhishek for his win and the latter asks to stay away for a moment as he is talking to Raju.

Mr Kamal introduces the book for the week: Thamizhar Naatu Paadalgal.

He explains the importance of knowing the real history of Thamizh land. He adds that the book will surprise us all and is a must-read one.

Nadia is eliminated for the week and Abhishek is safe. Nadia leaves with smile. Everyone explains how straightforward Nadia is and how a strong contestant she is in the house and that is one of the reasons why everyone has nominated her. Chinnaponnu cries and kisses her. Madhumitha and Nadia shares a brief moment as Nadia begins to cry as well. Everyone takes a picture as she leaves.

Nadia meets Mr Kamal. The latter says that the main reason for her elimination could be the fact that she didn’t come front in the show. He wishes her all the best. Nadia says that the house had changed her for good. She was able to control her anger and also her negativity.

Mr Kamal says that she shouldn’t be taking this in a negative way as this is just a first step towards her success and she will be going back to her family, something, she was missing for a lot time. There is a “Kurum Padam” for her journey.

We see Imman Annachi, Varun, Iyakki, Akshara talk about the group. Varun says that we might go inside any group but our voice will not be seen there as we would simply sit and listen to what they are talking.

Priyanka, Niroop and Abhishek talk about being called as group. Priyanka says that they are a group but until now, they didn’t want to be one. She also adds that none of the members here has had any strategy. She also asks Niroop to stop talking in English as nobody out there understands what he is talking. She also asks Abhishek to stop taking rights in everyone’s life as not everyone will take things in same way. That could be the reason why everyone felt like he is having a strategy.

On the other end, Pavni, Abhinay, Suruthi, Madhumitha were seen talking about how contestants is acting differently before a person and behind them. She is very shocked about it and also, she is not able to reveal things as well. Suruthi says that she had a lot to confess but since Mr Kamal didn’t ask about it to her, she didn’t want to open up.
Pavni, Suruthi says that none of the group members had personally called them to be a part of their group. Suruthi adds that she felt like a few contestants were intentionally avoiding her.

Abhinay says that it is pretty normal to form a group inside the house as it’s been more than two weeks.

Suruthi adds that she never thought about grouping and all as it is a personal choice to be in one or not but when that topic came today, she felt like there is a lot going on inside the house.

Raju, Akshara, Priyanka and Imman Annachi seen eating dinner. Imman says that if one is sitting alone, they would be alone always. They have to make some effort to bond as nobody would ask them to move away. If they are not putting any efforts it is their fault. Priyanka also says the same.

Madhumitha and Pavni were seen talking about Akshara revealing the votes to Madhumitha before the result announcement in the best-worst contestant round. Pavni says that it is against the rules and they shouldn’t have done that. She also asks if Madhumitha had asked Akshara regarding the results. Madhumitha says that she didn’t ask but Akshara revealed it. Pavni says that initially she had thought that Madhumitha was playing games inside the house.

Abhishek and Suruthi joins the conversation and Abhishek says that Akshara was the one who had the result with her. Abhishek then adds that Madhumitha is the only contestant against whom he cannot play any games as her story didn’t impact him at all thus, he cannot influence her.

Abhishek and Raju imitates old films fighting scene and Priyanka laughs loud seeing that.

Pavni, Madhumitha, Abhishek and Abhinay talks about the results once again. Abhishek says that he wants Madhumitha to be the captain and even Niroop, Priyanka had agreed too.

Pavni asks who are they to decide things as it is every individual for themselves in the house and it is more like planning and plotting, a strategy. Abhishek says that there is no such rule in the house that they shouldn’t do this. He adds that by influencing Niroop and Priyanka, they wouldn’t target him. It is his way of playing the game. He also adds if Madhumitha loses, it is a win for him in the house and if she wins, he is genuinely happy for her.

He also adds that he hasn’t seen most of the faces before Bigg Boss and why he should care about them.

Pavni asks him to lower his voice but Abhishek shouts and leaves the place. Pavni stays silent throughout the conversation.

Later, Pavni talks to Madhumitha and Abhinay about Abhishek’s behavior. She says that she can be quiet only for a while and if this continues, she would shout it all out once for all.

Pavni adds that she is just processing about Abhishek’s character. Even if she calls her a brother, she cannot tolerate that behavior. Abhinay says that he had thought Pavni would say something during the conversation. Pavni replies that she didn’t want to make a small thing like that into a fight.

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