Cinema Editorial News Editorial NewsAR Rahman is accused by Income Tax dept of routing income to his foundationLakshmi MuthiahSeptember 11, 2020September 11, 2020 by Lakshmi MuthiahSeptember 11, 2020September 11, 20200 AR Rahman has been alleged by the Income Tax department of routing his income of over Rs. 3 crores through the AR Rahman Foundation to...
Cinema Coronavirus CricketPetition filed in Madras High Court seeking arrest of Kohli, TamannahPenbugsAugust 1, 2020August 1, 2020 by PenbugsAugust 1, 2020August 1, 20200 A petition has been filed in the Madras High Court seeking the arrest of Indian cricket skipper Virat Kohli and actress Tamannah for promoting online...