Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss Tamil 4, Day 38, Written Updates

As part of the luxury task in Bigg Boss house this week, the contestants, as a family, has to protect the inheritance doc. But it is stolen by Som and Ramya with their compounded effort. Contestants are left to wonder who stole it. They decide to check everyone’s possession for which Gaby resists a bit to deviate the attention from Som’s bed where the doc is originally hidden. Bala, Shivani and Suchi find it under Som’s bed when Som is distracted and Ramya and Gaby are asleep. Earlier, Gaby , Bala, Aajeedh and Shivani planned individually to steal the doc before the original thief get his/her hands on it. Gaby is one of the thief which Bala, Shivani are not aware of. Gaby and Ramya decide to taste the fruit of effort from Bala’s try in stealing but they did it on their own. Bala hides the doc he found under Som’s bed and doesn’t tell its whereabouts.

While dining, Gaby demands an honest answer from Bala to know if he and Shivani really took it as she noticed them lingering besides Som’s bed. Bala doesn’t answer for that and focused on the on-goings. After a little while, Shivani calls out Gaby used the word “honest” towards Bala which agitated him as it implied he played a dishonest game, Which Gaby didn’t intend at all. Bala comes back to pick a fight with Gaby if he mentioned the word honesty. Gaby tries to explain her intention which Bala, Shivani and Suchitra is not ready to listen. Shivani and Gaby directly encounters in a quarrel to shut each other up. Shivani says she only is talking because her name is thrown in the discussion and just wants to clear she only plays a fair game. Bala stops their fight. He demands he wants to know who stole it first and then he would give the doc back. Som, Ramya aren’t coming forward for the bait.
Suchitra, who is more intensified by Gaby’s usage of the word “Honest” than Bala himself, supports and often talks on behalf of him. Even Bala finds this kind of sudden, overwhelming support is too awkward. Samyuktha advises Bala not to get influenced because of Suchitra as she might try to agitate him. She advises him to get angry only when he really finds the need to and not when someone influences. Shivani makes it clear she isn’t influencing him at all and not talking on his behalf too. She only is there in the middle of it to clear she is playing a fair game too as part of the team as her name is thrown in the discussion.

Shivani and Bala, who play children of Sanam and Ramesh, discuss that Sanam doesn’t even play the mother with her or wife with Ramesh. Shivani says she observers Sanam is just using Bala as a reason for not involving much in the game.

Since Bala doesn’t wish to give the doc for the luxury task to complete, housemates, who are his relatives, talk him into giving it as he demands who stole it first. But Bala is adamant that he wouldn’t give it at all as he doesn’t like the people he plays with in the house. After multiple try, they give up. Bala’s arrogance is induce irritation in some and some find he is being influenced by the people he is close to, by that, he means Shivani. Task ended. It isn’t announced yet who won or lost.

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