Mafia Chapter 1’s Director Karthick Naren posted the easter eggs, hidden details and homages in his film on his twitter thread and his instagram stories this morning. It’s stirring up the conversation among netizens as many found the arc of Mafia chapter 1 is a bit disappointing and its is pulled to pieces. Here is an imaginary and hilarious take on Mafia by stories through pictures in the voice of Karthick Naren.

This guy was actually a tourist. He seemed to have lost his map while passing through my movie set.

Arun Vijay is a very funny person, you know. This is one such time in the film set when he tried to pull my leg. he called Prasanna and told him that they both should get out of this movie as soon as possible. He even went a bit further and told Prasanna that “I could survive this setback after Thadam but you can’t” with a very serious face. I almost believed him. But then I believed in myself and my determination more than that. So, I felt rush like never before to complete this film!

Arun and Prasanna are unimaginably sarcastic, you know. They keep their faces so stiff everyday until the filming gets over. As if they don’t enjoy it like I do *laughing quizzically*. They do it in secret, I know. But they even went far ahead to make me believe that they wanted to quit. They even tried to sneak out more than once. They were playing with me, I know. This is one such time when I hid their car keys and “incited” them to find them. Such a great fun day! Prasanna was very he even pointed the dummy gun at my head!

This is one of my favorite shots. Look at the dribbling pain in the actors’ eyes. After filming these scenes, I asked Arun and Prasanna how they made it possible. They said “I’m just waiting for all of this gets over”. I was astonished. Even after I stopped filming, they were still in their characters and soaking themselves in rage and pain. Mafia’s plot has made quite an impact on them evidently. Such sincere artists they are!

Fun fact about this truck! One time, I caught Arun looking for the keys for this truck. I assume he just wanted to go for a drive during his breaks. But that doesn’t explain why would he pack his bags every time during to go for a drive. And he had this uncontainable rage every time I caught him looking for this truck’s keys. Still I don’t know why.

We filmed Mafia all day and all night. So much effort went into this film-making. It took so long even our phones’ batteries discharged completely. But nothing could tire Arun. He was still on roll with his sarcasm. He asked if he could call his family using this dummy phone so that they would come and pick him up. He seemed very real when he pleaded. He even said he would payback the advance he got for the film.

Many of you don’t know what was written in the letters inside the envelopes. I know Arun is very funny, so I decided to get on the wandbagon along with him. I mentioned in the 1st half, final act that “there won’t be a Mafia 2 and I would change the current film’s title too”. After that, Arun seemed really pleasant around the film set until the final act of the 2nd half. I planned to surprise him by saying “there is indeed going to be a Mafia Chapter 2”. Believe me, I have never seen Arun this angry. But we are very close friends and I think it’s all part of the inside joke between us. I don’t see why Arun is still not laughing.