Editorial News Inspiring

Change: Ella Jones becomes 1st black Mayor of Ferguson

If you ask what voting can do, here is your answer. Ella Jones recently created history by becoming the first African American Mayor of Ferguson.

She fought against Heather Robinett. This happens six years after the brutal killing of Michael Brown by a white officer. Ferguson had all the spotlight at that time and this killing galvanized the Black Lives Matter movement.

Jones won the election right after another night of protest which is going on after the brutal murder of George Floyd.

“I’ve got work to do — because when you’re an African-American woman, they require more of you than they require of my counterpart,” Jones said after her victory, in a video posted online Tuesday night by the journalist Jason Rosenbaum of St. Louis Public Radio. “I know the people in Ferguson are ready to stabilize their community, and we’re going to work together to get it done.”

Jones, who prevailed with 54 percent of the vote, will succeed James Knowles III, who has been the mayor since 2011 and could not run for re-election because of term limits. Ms.

Jones lost to Mr. Knowles in the 2017 mayoral election.

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