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Greta Thunberg supports the demand to postponed NEET, JEE during COVID19

Climate activist Greta Thunberg had voiced her opinion to postpone NEET, JEE exams during the coronavirus pandemic.

Thunberg wrote on Twitter: It’s deeply unfair that students of India are asked to sit national exams during the Covid-19 pandemic and while millions have also been impacted by the extreme floods. I stand with their call to #PostponeJEE_NEETinCOVID.

Notably, Greta had taken a year off campaigning to curb climate change, however, on Tuesday, she announced that her gap year was over and she will be returning to school.

“My gap year from school is over, and it feels so great to finally be back in school again!” the 17-year-old tweeted, attaching a smiling photo of herself with a schoolbag on her back and her hands resting on a bicycle.

The hashtags “PostponeJEE_NEETinCOVID” and “MODIJI_POSTPONEJEENEET” are gaining worldwide attention with many activists are coming forward in support. Another climate change activists Vanessa Nakate had also tweeted and asked the government to postpone them.

The Supreme Court of India, on August 17, had dismissed a petition that sought the postponement of these examinations, considering a rise in COVID cases.

While the protest is currently going on, there is no response.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced that the JEE (Main) will be held from September 1 to 6 and NEET (UG) on September 13. Around 25 lakh students are expected to sit for this year’s exam.

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