Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss Tamil 4, Day 40, Written Updates

Suchithra expresses her disappointment to Anitha about Bala’s intention not to mingle with her as much as she wants to. He spends most of his time with his comfortable companion Shivani which Suchithra keeps trying to twist it into something it isn’t. She feels Bala doesn’t want her or anybody’s opinion, he gets hypersensitive and be the stand alone guy he always is.

Anitha opens a dialogue with Bala about Suchi’s resorted feeling for which he doesn’t find it justifiable as this game is for individuals to show their own potential. The morning begins, Suchi initiates a conversation with Shivani to let her know Suchi is left alone in the house. Suchi badly wants Bala by her side as she wants to create a special friendly bond which Bala isn’t used to. He often finds comfort in Shivani’s company because she doesn’t eat his brain much and left to her own thoughts. And she only speaks when she needs to. Suchi tries to shed a bad light on Bala to Shivani. She tells him that Bala still holds grudge against Archana when a sentiment is exploited to tackle him. Shivani says it was unbelievable of Bala to part with immediate peace without any healing time when he clearly took a stand against Archana. She tells the same to Bala too. And Bala said though he knows those emotional manipulation was in place he saw them as Archana’s strategy.

Best performers of the week are chosen. Nisha, Aajeedh, Gaby and Som are chosen. With Majority of votes, Nisha, Aajeedh and Gaby compete against each other for captaincy. Through a fun game test, Aajeedh wins. He will be the next captain of the house after Aari.

Like Suchi mentioned yesterday, the fruits are not equally distributed among the housemates. There is a similar issue brought to the table by Samyuktha. It was pointed out that Rio, Ramesh, Nisha and their friends get to benefit from the fruits of the house and others don’t get them. Anitha tried to explain it and snapped for a minute when Aari doesn’t seem to listen to the problem. Aari gets defensive and loses his temper irrationally against Anitha for blaming him. Anitha snapped but isn’t willing to accept that she did what she did because Aari didn’t seem co-operative. Instead, she gets defensive behind her tears, once again. Rio explains to Aari that the fruits were taken after asking the permission and not without informing anyone. Archana tries to rejuvenate the happiness to keep everyone sane in this festival week.

The housemates get ready to play task sponsored by Vasanth & Co. 2 teams of 3 people play the sales team and others are customers. Som makes a skillful sale and gets a win for his team. Contestants play a wheel of fortune game. Each wins a special Deepavali gift like festival feast, snacks, sweets, firecrackers, lemon, colddrinks, popcorn & chips and for some it’s Deepavali wishes. While they enjoy the night with the feast and soft drinks, they sing and dance in the rain till the night ends to wish each other on the festival day.

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