
US president Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus

The US President Donald Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump has been tested positive for coronavirus today.

The President Donald Trump first confirmed on Thursday night that top aide Hope Hicks has tested positive for coronavirus and said he and first lady Melania Trump will begin their “quarantine process” while waiting for their own test results.

“Hope Hicks, who has been working so hard without even taking a small break, has just tested positive for Covid 19. Terrible! The First Lady and I are waiting for our test results. In the meantime, we will begin our quarantine process!” Trump tweeted Thursday night.

Hicks has traveled with the President multiple times recently, including to the debate in Cleveland on Tuesday.

Hours later, he took to social media to announce that they had tested positive for coronavirus.

“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”, he tweeted.

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