
COVID19: After walking 100Kms, Guest worker gives birth, child dies

Amid lockdown, many guest workers are walking back to their native. They are also struggling with food and other essentials.

A lot of NGOs are coming forward to help the people however it is not enough.

Recently, a couple started walking to their native. The woman was pregnant still continued to walk. In the way, she went into labour and give birth. However, they couldn’t save the kid.

Bindia and her husband Jatin Ram, who are in their early 20s, had set out from Ludhiana last week for their village in Bihar.


The couple performed the last rites in Ambala City.

Ram said he and his nine-month pregnant wife decided to walk to Ambala after they did not get registration in special trains, possibly to save money for future travel expenses.

Bindia was very weak as she did not get a proper diet required by a pregnant woman, the husband said, adding they did not have enough money as he lost his job during lockdown.

When they reached Ambala City, from Ludhiana, after walking more than 100 km, Bindia started having labour pain and police helped Ram take her to the civil hospital. She delivered the child but the baby did not survive.

An NGO at Ambala Cantonment has made arrangements for their stay and is provided them food.

The NGO has assured the couple they would also make arrangements for their safe travel in a Shramik Special train to Bihar.

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